Community Events

Please note that the events listed here are hosted by our community partners and are not sponsored by Temple Israel unless noted.
We encourage you to reach out directly to the event organizers with any questions.

2025/5785 TC Jewfolk Passover Seder Matching
Click here to fill out this form by March 21.

Hosts and attendees will be notified of any matches by March 28.

TC Jewfolk’s beloved Passover Matching program is now open! Each Passover season, TC Jewfolk connects those in need of a Seder seat with welcoming hosts who have room at their table. Building community and bringing people together is at the heart of TC Jewfolk’s mission, and they are honored to help make this tradition possible.

We are Living Mussar Annual Siyyum
Sunday, March 16, 1:00 - 3:30 p.m.
Location and program details sent upon RSVP

Inviting all those interested in learning more about Mussar and participants in Mussar groups to unite for an afternoon of celebration, connection, and Mussar learning. Click here for more information.

University of Minnesota Center for Jewish Studies Community Lecture Series
Thursday, March 27

Minnesota JCC CAPP Center, 1375 St Paul Ave, St Paul, MN 55116

Mark your calendars now! The next three lectures in the series are devoted to Jews of color, the Dreyfus Affair, and queer Jews. Please register at the links below and remember to bring an ID with you. 

  • Queer Jews: The Struggle for Judaism’s Straight Soul
    Visiting Scholar:
    Orit Avishai, Fordham University
    Date: Thursday, Mar 27, 2025
    Time: 7:30pm

Yom HaShoah: Holocaust Remembrance Day
Twin Cities Annual Commemoration
Wednesday, April 23, 6:00-8:30 p.m.
Beth El Synagogue,
5225 Barry Street West, St. Louis Park

Twin Cities Erev Yom HaZikaron: A Tribute to Love & Sacrifice
An evening for remembering Israeli fallen soldiers and victims of terror
Tuesday, April 29, 7:00 p.m.
Beth Jacob Congregation,
1179 Victoria Curve, Mendota Heights

Twin Cities Yom HaAtzmaut Celebration
Sunday, May 4, 2:00 – 5:00 p.m.
Minneapolis Sabes JCC,
4330 South Cedar Lake Road, St. Louis Park

Join the Twin Cities Jewish community in celebrating Israel’s 77th Independence Day.

Temple Israel's Social Justice Projects and Partner Organizations
Second Sundays, 4:15-6:15 p.m.

Temple Israel Housing Group is looking for volunteers to help our community partner Align Minneapolis. Welcome guests and serve a community meal for our low-income and unhoused neighbors.

This takes place the second Sunday of each month from 4:15-6:15 p.m. Find more information here and contact Rabbi Ricky Kamil to sign up.

Jewish Youth Mentoring Program
Jewish Family and Children's Service (JFCS)

The Jewish Youth Mentoring Program (formerly the Jewish Big Brother/Big Sister Program), is a community-based mentoring program for Jewish-identified youth that is designed to promote positive social-emotional-spiritual development and increase engagement in the Jewish community. Since the program’s inception in 1975, it has matched over 400 Jewish youth with mentors.

The program is open to all families! Anyone can benefit from a personal, one-on-one connection with someone who is giving their undivided attention to them.

Participants are matched with carefully screened and selected volunteer mentors based on family preferences, age, gender identity, common interests, geographic proximity and more. Common match activities include visiting libraries or bookstores; arts and crafts; baking; exploring local parks; playing sports; going to museums; playing board games; and attending community events. Mentees are aged 6-12 and mentors are 16 and up, with a valid driver’s license

For questions, contact Dori Gelfman, Jewish Youth Mentoring Program Coordinator, at or 952-542-4835.

The Chai – light Chorus
The chorale is actively recruiting new members! We’ve been in existence since 2000, having produced over 35 productions. We celebrate the joy of vocal performance without taking it too seriously. Anyone age 60 and above is eligible, and there’s absolutely no program fee — a musical “free for all!” Our weekly rehearsals are during the day. For more information, contact Mark Bloom via email at or by phone at 612-270–1705.

Free Modern Hebrew Language Courses for High School Students and Senior Citizens
University of Minnesota
Ongoing, Virtual

Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced Modern Hebrew Language courses are available for free at the University of Minnesota to high school students enrolled at the university through the PSEO program, and to senior citizens ages 62+ auditing courses through the university's Senior Citizen Education Program.

Taught over Zoom by Israeli-born professor, Dr. Renana Schneller, the courses focus on reading, writing, understanding and speaking Hebrew. Contact Dr. Schneller for more information and placement at For more information, contact Temple member Jeri Glick-Anderson at