Youth Groups
KiND (Grades 3-5)
Join the 3rd – 5th graders of Temple Israel as they form connections that will create their lifelong Temple community. KiND (Kids Next Dor) unites youth through fun experiences that promote the passing on of our Jewish knowledge and values l’dor vador (from generation to generation). KiND participants will come together in this program to laugh, eat, play, and bond with each other in a celebration of community and friendship. All Temple Israel members are invited.
KiND meets once a month after JEWL. Some highlights from past programming include pumpkin painting, movie and tie blankets, and more.
*Kids Next Dor is supported by Camp OSRUI, our regional URJ summer camp. We encourage all our members to look into the many URJ summer camp options.
TIMSY (Grades 6-8)
Temple Israel Middle School Youth (TIMSY), established in 2018, is composed of 6th - 8th graders. Participants in this group get to be a part of a Jewish community with their Temple friends. Through TIMSY, youth experience hands-on social action and religious experiences while building a sense of belonging within their Temple community.
TIMSYites can grow their leadership skills by being a part of the TIMSY leadership council. This group of t(w)eens meet periodically over the course of the year to help plan fun programming for their peers.
Highlights from past programming include Color Wars, Sushi in the Sukkah, and the annual Mystery Bus Ride!
TIPTY (Grades 9-12)
Temple Israel Program for Temple Youth (TIPTY) is a unique Reform Jewish youth community combining social and educational events for 9th-12th graders! Participants in this group get to engage in the Temple community through various leadership roles and youth engagement. TIPTY is a part of the NFTY-NO region, which connects our teens to other reform Jewish youth across the Midwest and all over the country.
TIPTYites can exercise their leadership skills by being a part of the TIPTY Executive Board. This group plans and executes events, recruits new members, and represents TIPTY to the broader Temple community.
Highlights from past programs include: a Chocolate Seder, movie nights, and the annual TIPTY Lock-in!