Dedications and Memorials
See below for more information or contact Darcy Schnitzer at 612-374-0319 or dschnitzer@templeisrael.com.
Memorial Plaques
Memorial plaques are a special way to remember a loved one in perpetuity. At Temple Israel, a small, engraved-brass memorial plaque is permanently mounted on the Yahrzeit Memorial Wall in our Hall of Remembrance outside the sanctuary, and a cast bronze memorial plaque is placed annually in the Deinard Chapel during the week of your loved one’s yahrzeit. Please consider dedicating a Memorial Plaque in memory of a loved one you have lost.
Donations in honor,
memory, appreciation,
or healing wishes
Making a gift to Temple Israel is a time-honored way to celebrate life cycle milestones, such as welcoming new children, becoming b’nai mitzvah, graduations, engagements, weddings, or any other significant moment. It is also a sacred way to remember loved ones on their death and on their yahrzeit (anniversary of their passing). Lastly, making a gift to Temple Israel is a meaningful way to show appreciation for clergy and fellow congregants.
For commemorating life cycle events and honoring the memory of loved ones, we suggest a donation of at least $36. If our clergy have supported you through a life cycle event, provided you with pastoral care, or inspired you to deepen your commitment to Judaism, we encourage you to make a gift to their discretionary fund, or to another fund of your choice.
Temple Israel and the Temple Israel Foundation* have hundreds of special funds that advance various aspects of our mission. A complete listing of our special funds is available here. New special funds may be established with a minimum gift of $10,000. Please contact Rachel Schachter, Director of Strategic Advancement, for more information.
*Temple Israel and the Temple Israel Foundation are separate 501(c)(3) organizations. The Temple Israel Foundation is an endowment that supports Temple Israel’s long-term future. Funds within the Temple Israel Foundation are noted as “Endowment” or “Endowment Fund.” For more information on the Temple Israel Foundation, click here.