Adult Learning


Adult learning classes at Temple are a great way to meet new people, deepen your knowledge, and challenge your perspectives. For more information and to register, contact Wendy Schwartz by phone at 612-374-0344, or by email at

Come explore the offerings of Torah study, Jewish literature, Mussar, scholars-in-residence, and a variety of other exciting learning opportunities. Tired of not knowing Hebrew? Make this the year! Want to know how to celebrate our many holidays in high form? Come learn! Make Temple Israel your lehrhaus Judaica – your Jewish house of study. Come join us, your rabbis and educators, as we bring thousands of years of rich Jewish culture to vivid relevance. Let my people know!

See Below for Ongoing Study
Zoom links will be posted online each week


Learn and enjoy a nosh with Rabbi Rodich – At the Rabbi’s Table is back! 

Join us from 5:15–5:45 p.m., right before services, for a taste of Jewish learning on a variety of topics to start your Shabbat off right. Free and open to all, no registration required—just drop in! Each session stands on its own, so come to as many as you’d like. 

Here’s what’s on the table: 

  • March 28: Passover Basics
    Explore what to eat, do, and reflect on to make your Passover spiritual and fulfilling. 

  • April 11: We Were Slaves in Egypt 
    Delve into the connection between Passover and social justice. 

  • April 18: Song of Songs 
    This ancient love story is read during Passover—come find out why!

  • April 25: Liberation Theology for Jews
    What does our tradition teach us about moving from pain and oppression to expansiveness and freedom?


Torah Study

Free and open to all. Come when you are able.

Every Saturday, 9:00 - 10:15 a.m.*
Click here to join Torah Study via Zoom
To join by phone, dial 312-626-6799; Meeting ID: 829 710 549 04

View this week's Torah portion.

Click here for recordings of previous Torah studies.

Whether you have never set foot in a synagogue or have years of accumulated study, this is a space for learners of all backgrounds to join Temple’s clergy and special guest teachers. Come share your perspective on our ancient texts and join our ongoing search for meaning and spiritual growth.

*Join us in person at Temple Israel and on Zoom on the first Saturdays of each month for an expanded communal gathering that includes a musical morning service, Torah reading, and Torah study. All other Saturday Torah studies are Zoom only.

Highlights in Jewish History

Free and open to all. Come when you are able.

Select Saturdays, 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon, Zoom only
Click here for the list of 2024-2025 dates and topics.

Click here to join Highlights in Jewish History via Zoom.
To join by phone, dial 312-626-6799; Meeting ID: 989 189 606 95

Explore a variety of topics in Jewish history from anti-Semitism and the Holocaust to Israel to unique contributions from Jewish leaders from around the world with Dr. Joe Goldman. Dr. Goldman is a noted historian and taught at the university level for more than 40 years. He holds PhDs in Political Science and History.

The following classes require advance registration.

To learn more about any offering or to register for classes, contact Wendy Schwartz at 612-374-0344.

Hebrew Basics

Tuesdays, 6:30 – 7:10 p.m., October - May

Interested in learning the Hebrew aleph-bet or refreshing your Hebrew skills? Come and learn the basics of letter recognition and reading, with an emphasis on prayers and vocabulary for Jewish life.

Introduction to Judaism

Tuesdays, 6:30 – 8:30 p.m., October - May

This class is for those who want to discover more about the foundations of Judaism, want to refresh their knowledge, or are considering conversion to Judaism. In this course, taught by Temple Israel clergy, you will be introduced to the history, values, texts, rituals, and philosophies that have shaped Judaism, and learn the Hebrew alphabet and basic Hebrew vocabulary associated with Jewish life.

An introductory meeting with one of our clergy is required prior to enrolling in this class.

Pathways for a Meaningful Life with Mussar

Mussar is an engaging Jewish path of spiritual and personal development that leads to awareness, wisdom, and transformation. A Mussar va’ad (small group) explores personal attributes or values, called middot, that each of us has in different measure. Mussar guides our practice using tools that help us to grow into the best of ourselves. Join us on this joyous path of self-discovery in a community of friends.

These two short videos are a great introduction to Mussar: The Making of a Mensch, and Twin Cities Mussar: Growing a Mussar Community.

Tuesdays, 6:30 – 8:30 p.m., Starting in November
Course Fee: $300 per participant. Payment plans and scholarships are available.

New for beginning students to Mussar! Join us for a meaningful, joyful introduction to an authentic Jewish pathway of study and practice that helps us lead more fulfilling, connected lives. Facilitators Jen Bucklew and Tony Gleekel welcome both Jewish and non-Jewish congregants to participate. This group will meet every other week for 12 sessions starting in November. Since each session builds on the ones before, participants should plan to attend regularly.

For more information and to register, contact Wendy Schwartz at or 612-374-0344.

Sundays, 11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m., Starting in November

A welcoming group led by and for members of the LGBTQ+ community seeking to integrate Jewish wisdom into everyday life. Together, we will study, practice, and learn about a variety of middot (soul traits) that help us bring forth the best in ourselves. Open to new and returning members. Click here for more information and to register. Co-sponsored by Temple Israel, Twin Cities Mussar, and J-Pride.

For more information, go to To register, go to

Elul and Omer Email Reflections

Receive a daily email reflection twice a year. Email to subscribe.

The Month of Elul
Wednesday, September 4 - Wednesday, October 2

As we enter the sacred time of the 5785 High Holy Day season, you are invited to register for a daily email reflection for each day of the month of Elul, the Jewish month preceding Rosh HaShanah. To subscribe, please email If you have previously received Elul or Omer emails, you will continue to receive them. This year, Elul invites us to bring wisdom, rest, and renewed connections within Temple Israel and with our friends and families.

Counting the Omer
Count the 49-day period between Passover, which commemorates the Exodus, and Shavuot, which commemorates the giving of the Torah.

Food for Thought

Recordings of previous Food for Thought events:
It’s All About Shabbat, Part 3: A Kabbalat Shabbat Musical Workshop
It’s All About Shabbat, Part 2: A Kabbalat Shabbat Musical Workshop
Aish Zara – A Strange Fire: A Rabbi and an Astrophysicist Confront a Warming Planet
Aish Zara slides
Author Event with Adam Stern - Committed: Dispatches from a Psychiatrist in Training
It’s All About Shabbat, Part 1: A Kabbalat Shabbat Musical Workshop
Cast Away Darkness Together with Joy and Lights
Overture of Hope: Two Sisters' Daring Plan that Saved Opera's Jewish Stars from the Third Reich
Memory in Motion: The Musical Journey of the High Holy Days
How to Lead a Seder and Prepare for Passover
Riva Lehrer, Artist and Author of Golem Girl
Shining Light on the Shema: A Deeper Look at the Origin, Meaning, and Power of this Daily Jewish Practice
The Wisdom of Knowing We Will Die
How Do I Want to Die?
Rabbi Zimmerman references this document in the talks: End of Life Care Conversation Starter Kit
From the Maccabees’ Fight to Urban Flight: The historic Chanukah story, Jewish demography, and the work of racial justice
What Happens in the Barley Stays in the Barley
Beyond Ramadan Mubarak: Building Bridges of Understanding with the Muslim Community
Cleaning Your House, Cleaning Your Soul: Sustainability as a Spiritual Practice
Rabbi Glaser: Stuck-Home Syndrome: Some Observations in Quarantine
Rabbi Steve Leder and The Beauty of What Remains
Laughter Yoga
Revisiting Thanksgiving: An Anti-Racist Perspective
Rabbi Klein: Preparing for These High Holy Days Generational Wisdom: Will the Jewish People Survive Their Parents?

A Jewish View of Life and Death: A Two-Part Class with Rabbi Zimmerman
Mondays, June 10 and June 24
6:30-8:00 p.m.
In Person and on Zoom

Click here to view the recording of Class 1 (available after the class)
Click here to view the recording of Class 2 (available after the class)

Back by popular demand, this course deals with how questions about life and death challenge the Jewish soul. Explore how Judaism confronts these issues, helping us make sense of human mortality and mourning through Jewish rituals and beliefs. We will also learn about Jewish concepts of heaven and hell, the immortality of the soul, the world to come, memory, legacy, and more. We will discuss these serious issues in a safe and supportive environment.

For questions, contact Wendy Schwartz, 612-374-0344 or

Death in Three Acts

Act I - Final Conversations: Sharing Your End of Life Wishes

Handout for Act I

Act II - Final Words: Write Your Legacy

Template for Writing an Obituary
Act II - Final Words: Write Your Legacy Handout
Quilt for the Death of One I Love(d)
Final Words Presentation

Act III - Final Plans: How Do You Want to Die?

Memorial Park Brochure
Ask Your Doctor Wallet Card
Ask Your Doctor Patient Brochure
Star Tribune Obituary Information
Statistical Information and Jewish Cemetery List

Rabbi Hartman leans on a desk and smiles while teaching Torah Study at Temple Israel. A stand with a large pad of paper is behind her.

Wendy Schwartz

Adult Learning and Program Director