Giving FAQs
How can I make a tribute gift?
Temple Israel welcomes donations made in honor, memory, or appreciation of others. You may make a tribute gift via our online donation form, or download and print our tribute form and mail it to Temple Israel.
How can I sponsor an Oneg?
Sponsoring an Oneg Shabbat is a meaningful and joyful way to celebrate a special life moment; honor or remember a loved one; and share gratitude and connection. We are grateful for your generosity, and your support will be recognized on the date of your selected Shabbat. Click here to sponsor an Oneg.
Does Temple Israel have a Gift Acceptance Policy?
Temple Israel has two gift acceptance policies — one for Temple Israel, and one for the Temple Israel Foundation, which manages our endowment. These documents are updated on an ongoing basis. Please feel free to review them, and contact us with any questions.
Can I make gifts to Temple Israel from my IRA?
If you are age 70 1/2 or older, you may make gifts totaling up to $100,000 each year to registered charities tax-free. These qualified charitable contributions (QCDs) qualify toward satisfying your required minimum distributions for the year. QCDs do not require that you itemize deductions, which means that you may decide to take advantage of the higher standard deduction but still use a QCD for charitable giving. Please consult your tax advisor to learn more about this tax-advantaged giving option.
Will Temple Israel accept a grant from a Donor Advised Fund or Family Foundation?
Yes, we gladly accept such grants. Contact Rachel Schachter with any questions. Please remember that such grants will not appear on your year-end giving statement.
Where can I find a list of Temple’s special funds?
A complete list of Temple Israel’s special funds is available here. To make a gift to any of Temple’s funds, please visit our giving page.
New funds may be established with a minimum gift of $10,000. Please contact Rachel Schachter for more information.
Does Temple Israel accept works of art, books, or Judaica?
Generally, with respect to works of art, collections of books, or other unsolicited gifts of Judaica, Temple Israel will consider accepting items valued at over $10,000 that are accompanied by a qualified appraisal provided by the prospective donor. If you are interested in donating an item that fits these criteria, please contact Rachel Schachter. Please refer to Temple Israel’s Gift Acceptance Policy for more information.
Heritage Judaica is a local organization that accepts Jewish art and ritual items in need of new life.
What is Temple’s Tax ID number for charitable giving?
The Tax ID number for Temple Israel is #41-0705807
The Tax ID number for the Temple Israel Foundation is #41-1769841
Rachel Schachter, Temple Israel’s Director of Strategic Advancement, can be reached at RSchachter@templeisrael.com for more information.