High Holy Days 2024/5785
Scroll Down to View Select Services
We love to see you at Temple!
We warmly encourage all who are able to attend in person as we reinvigorate a sense of community in our beloved sanctuary and Minda Hall.
All sanctuary services will also be streamed on our website; links to streamed services will be available below.
Multi-Access Services
Sanctuary services will take place in person and streamed online at templeisrael.com/livestream.
Service Recordings
Services that are streamed will be recorded. Links to recordings will be posted below as soon as possible.
High Holy Day Food Shelf Donations
Judaism teaches that we are all responsible for each other. During these High Holy Days, we will provide donation envelopes to STEP and Mazon. We will collect donations at Yom Kippur to help address food insecurity in our area.
The Book of Remembrance
Click here to print the form to add name(s) to the online Book of Remembrance. Available online only, the book can be read here.
ASL Interpretation
Select services will have in-person ASL interpretation available. Please email info@templeisrael.com for information.
Project Shofar Childcare
Available for children ages 2-7 at our 5:00 p.m. Erev Rosh HaShanah and 5:00 p.m. Kol Nidre services. Advance registration is required.
Click here to register.
Live Service Broadcast in the Lobby
Sanctuary services will be broadcast live in the lobby for anyone who needs to step out and will include self-directed activities for children. Children must be supervised by their accompanying adults.
If a child has entered your life since fall 2023, please email info@templeisrael.com so we can include your family in the Yom Kippur Ne’ilah service.
612-377-8680 · info@templeisrael.com
Erev Rosh HaShanah - Wednesday, October 2
5:00 p.m.
Erev Rosh HaShanah Service
Sanctuary · Stream
This service has concluded. Click here to watch the recording.
Welcome the new year as one congregation with timeless Temple traditions, music, and community.
Sermon by Rabbi Marcia Zimmerman; music led by Cantor Inbal Sharett-Singer.
This service will have an ASL interpreter in the sanctuary.
Project Shofar is available for children ages 2-7 at our 5:00 p.m. Erev Rosh HaShanah and 5:00 p.m. Kol Nidre services. Advance registration is required. Click here to register.
Rosh HaShanah - Thursday, October 3
8:15 a.m.
Rosh HaShanah Morning Service with TIPTY Choir
Sanctuary · Stream
This service has concluded. Click here to watch the recording.
Temple clergy and youth will lead a service combining beloved folk melodies from the TIPTY creative service, majestic cantorial pieces from Cantor Inbal Sharett-Singer, and a sermon by Rabbi Jennifer Hartman. This service will have an ASL interpreter in the sanctuary.
10:30 a.m.
Rosh HaShanah Service for Young Children
Sanctuary · Stream
This service has concluded. Click here to watch the recording.
This service for families with young children features sing-along songs and a fun-filled story. Following the service, we will walk to 22nd Street and Lake of the Isles Parkway for Tashlich, a custom where we symbolically cast away what we wish to leave behind as we begin the new year. This service will have an ASL interpreter in the sanctuary.
11:45 a.m.
Rosh HaShanah Morning Service
Sanctuary · Stream
This service has concluded. Click here to watch the recording.
Welcome the new year with joy and reflection. Music led by Cantor Sharett-Singer and sermon by Rabbi Jason Rodich.
11:45 a.m.
Rosh HaShanah TIPTY Choir Creative Service
In Person Only · Minda Hall
The TIPTY choir leads contemporary songs and prayers along with our clergy. Rabbi Jennifer Hartman will deliver a sermon. This service will have an ASL interpreter in Minda Hall.
1:45 p.m.
In Person Only · 22nd Street & East Lake of the Isles Parkway
On Rosh HaShanah it is customary to visit a body of water and symbolically cast away what we wish to leave behind in order to embrace a fresh start in the new Jewish year. The Tashlich service and ritual is also on page seven of your HaKol if you wish to perform it on your own.
Sunday, October 6
10:00 a.m.
Consecration of New Learners
Sanctuary · Stream
This service has concluded.
We will bless our newest learners as we welcome them into the sweetness of Jewish learning.
11:30 a.m.
High Holy Day Season Memorial Service
In Person Only · Temple Israel Memorial Park, 42nd Street & 3rd Avenue South
This service has concluded.
Join our clergy for our Memorial Service held at the Temple Israel Memorial Park, where we will honor our loved ones.
Kol Nidre/Erev Yom Kippur - Friday, October 11
5:00 p.m. and 7:45 p.m.
Kol Nidre Service
Sanctuary · Stream
The 5:00 p.m. service has concluded. Click here to watch the recording.
The 7:45 p.m. service has concluded. Click here to watch the recording, or here for Rabbi Zimmerman’s sermon only.
Enter the most sacred day of the Jewish year with timeless Temple traditions, music, and community. Sermon by Rabbi Marcia Zimmerman; music by Cantor Inbal Sharett-Singer; Kol Nidre cellist, Abraham Feder. Janet Horvath, who soulfully played cello each Kol Nidre for many years, has retired from this role. We are delighted to welcome new member and Minnesota Orchestra cellist Abraham Feder for Kol Nidre this year.
The 5:00 p.m. service will have an ASL interpreter in the sanctuary.
Project Shofar is available for children ages 2-7 at our 5:00 p.m. Kol Nidre service. Advance registration is required. Click here to register.
Yom Kippur - Saturday, October 12
8:15 a.m.
Yom Kippur Morning Service with TIPTY Choir
Sanctuary · Stream
This service has concluded. Click here to view the recording, or here for Rabbi Rodich’s sermon only.
Temple clergy and teens will lead a service combining beloved folk melodies from the TIPTY creative service and majestic cantorial pieces from Cantor Inbal Sharett-Singer. Sermon by Rabbi Jason Rodich. This service will have an ASL interpreter in the sanctuary.
10:30 a.m.
Yom Kippur Service for Young Children
Sanctuary · Stream
This service has concluded. Click here to view the recording.
This service for families with young children features sing-along songs, a story, and time for self-reflection. This service will have an ASL interpreter in the sanctuary.
11:45 a.m.
Yom Kippur Morning Service
Sanctuary · Stream
This service has concluded. Click here to view the recording, or here for Rabbi Hartman’s sermon only.
Reflect on the past year and make commitments for a better year to come as we unite our voices with the timeless melodies of Yom Kippur. The soul-stirring cantorial music echoes the theme of atonement, inviting introspection and renewal. Music led by Cantor Inbal Sharett-Singer and sermon by Rabbi Jennifer Hartman.
11:45 a.m.
Yom Kippur TIPTY Choir Creative Service
In Person Only · Minda Hall
The TIPTY choir will lead contemporary songs and prayers along with our clergy. Rabbi Jason Rodich will deliver a sermon. This service will have an ASL interpreter in Minda Hall.
1:45 p.m.
Yom Kippur Study Session
Disruptions for the Public Good: A Conversation with Congressman Dean Phillips
Sanctuary · Stream
This event has concluded. Click here to view the recording.
Join us for a special Yom Kippur afternoon study session featuring Congressman Dean Phillips in conversation with Rabbi Zimmerman. This wide-ranging discussion will cover topics like Congressman Phillips’ experiences in Washington, his relationship with Judaism and Temple Israel, and what keeps him hopeful about American democracy. This session features an elected official who is not running for office. It is designed to be nonpartisan, offering a thoughtful exploration of critical civic issues with a political leader from our Temple community.
3:45 p.m.
Afternoon Healing, Yizkor, and Ne’ilah Services
Afternoon Service with A Special Focus on October 7
Sanctuary · Stream
These services have concluded. Click here to view them.
In observance of the one-year anniversary of the atrocities of October 7 in Israel, this special afternoon service, led by our clergy, will offer space to grieve those who perished in the attacks and in the war that followed, as well as offer prayers for those who, at the time of this printing, are still in captivity. Cantor Inbal Sharett-Singer will highlight Israeli music.
Healing & Yizkor
Our healing service offers space to contemplate and pray for healing for ourselves and our loved ones. This service is immediately followed by Yizkor, where we call to mind loved ones who are no longer with us, but whose presence we feel as we remember them. Sermon by Rabbi Marcia Zimmerman.
Nefesh Ne’ilah Service
We come to Ne’ilah with our final pleas for forgiveness from God and gather communal strength to embrace the year ahead. During Ne’ilah, we celebrate the theme of birth and renewal with a special ceremony for children brought into our lives since fall of 2023. The prayers and songs with our Nefesh band bring harmony and momentum to our beautiful closing worship experience and the conclusion of our fast.
Yom Kippur Break-the-Fast
Following the Ne’ilah service, join us in the lobby for our Yom Kippur Break-the-Fast, generously sponsored by the Shirley & Marshall Besikof family in memory of Shirley’s parents, Felicia & Max Schulz. No reservations are necessary.
See below for more High Holy Days content:
Fall 2024 HaKol
Temple Israel’s fall newsletter contains more information about High Holy Days services and other offerings.
Elul Reflections
Follow along with daily reflections each day of Elul.
Book of Remembrance
Click here to read the 2024/5784 Book of Remembrance.
Childcare: Advance Registration Required
Childcare for ages 2-7 is available at our 5:00 p.m. Erev Rosh HaShanah service and 5:00 p.m. Kol Nidre service.