Intro to Judaism and Hebrew Basics Resources
2023 - 2024
Click here for the Intro to Judaism class calendar
Click here for the Intro to Judaism syllabus
Hebrew Basics Resources
Click here for the Hebrew Basics class calendar
Hebrew alphabet chart with numbers
Intro to Judaism Class Packets and Resources
Week 1 - Jewish Time: Introducing the Calendar
Week 1 Packet
Week 2: No Class
Week 3 - The Jewish Story: Torah and Tanach
Week 3 Packet, The Jewish Story: Torah, Tanach, and Jewish Beginnings
Week 3 Packet, The Jewish Story: Greatest Hits from the Tanach
Week 4 - Jewish Belonging, Behaving and Believing: Who is a Jew? Who are the Jewish People? What Is Judaism?
Week 4 Packet
Week 5 - The Jewish Story: Transition to Rabbinic Leadership and Rabbinic Lore
Week 5 Packet
Week 6 - The Jewish Story: The Medieval and Modern Periods and the emergence of the Synagogue Movements
Week 6 Packet
Week 7 - Jewish Believing: Jewish Concepts of God
Week 7 Packet
Week 8 - The Jewish Story: The Jewish Experience of Anti-Semitism and the Holocaust
Week 8 Packet
Article: A Mutating Virus
Article: Don’t Understand Anti-Semitism
Video: "Somebody Must be Blamed": Antisemitism, the Equal Opportunity Idealogy - Eric Ward
Week 9 - Jewish Time: Chanukah Workshop & December Dilemma
Week 9 Packet
Reminder: Classes in January and February 2024 are Zoom-only.
Week 10 - The Jewish Story: Zionism, the Land, and the State of Israel
Click here to watch the class recording.
Week 11 - Jewish Time: Shabbat, a Sanctuary in Time
Week 11 Packet
Click here to watch the class recording
Week 12 - Jewish Prayer: Communal Worship and Observance
Week 12 Packet
Click here to watch the class recording
Week 13 - Jewish Living: Everyday Spirituality and Creating a Jewish Home
Week 13 Packet
Click here to watch the class recording
Week 14 - Jewish Time: The Spring Holidays - Tu B’Shevat, Purim, Pesach, Shavuot, and Newer Spring Holidays
Week 14 Packet
Additional Resource: Letters
Click here to watch the class recording
Week 15 - Friendships, Relationships, Love and Sex in Jewish Tradition
No Packet
Click here to watch the class recording
Online Resources:
Week 16 - Jewish Believing: Judaism and Christianity
No Packet
Click here to watch the class recording
Online Resources:
Week 17 - Jewish Living: Sanctifying the Cycles and Milestones of Our Lives
Week 17 Packet
Week 18 - Jewish Living: Jewish Views of Life, Death, and Mourning
Week 18 Packet
Week 19 - Jewish Living: Jewish Ethics and Current Issues of Social Justice
Week 19 Packet
Week 20 - Jewish Living: Jewish Music Past and Present
Due to the weather, this class was on Zoom. Click here to watch the class recording.
Week 20 Packet
Week 21 - Jewish Living: Jewish Communities Around the World
Week 21 Packet
Week 22 - Jewish Time: Passover Workshop
Week 22 Packet
Week 23 - LAST CLASS
It is hard to believe our last class is Tuesday, April 16, 6:30 p.m.! Please come to class with any questions you have about the topics we studied together, or anything about Judaism. We will start with Hebrew at 6:30 p.m. and then move into our “stump the rabbi” Q & A at 7:10 p.m.
Click here for a YouTube version of Debbie Friedman’s Alef Bet Song 😊 Enjoy!
Conversion Seminar Resources
Sound files for blessings:
Blessings for the immersion in the Mikveh: Click here to download.
Blessings recited at the Conversion Ceremony: Click here to download.