Jana Shortal: Falling in Love with Judaism
In Jana Shortal’s 14 years living in Minneapolis, she had driven past Temple Israel dozens of times. And, as a news reporter for KARE 11, she had known of Temple’s proactive stance in the debate about same-sex marriage.
But up until two years ago, she never would have dreamed of walking into Temple. “ I didn’t know it was a place open to all people,” she said. Her perception of Temple and of Judaism, however, has radically changed over that time. A decision to walk in the Temple doors to find out more led her to take Jewish adult studies at Temple, and eventually led to her decision to convert.
Comparing that decision to falling in love with someone, she knew instinctively that it was the right relationship. In her heart, her conversion occurred long before she began studying with Rabbi Hartman, before immersing in the mikvah, or before reciting the She’ma for the first time as a Jew.
“What I found so beautiful coming here and having an opportunity to study is that each rabbi brought Judaism to us in a totally different way. It was so interesting to see things from so many perspectives, to understand that there is not just one truth.
“That brought peace to me in every aspect of my life. To come to a place of faith and spirituality that understands me and my place in a diverse world is something I carry with me always.”
Asked about how her conversion has changed her relationship with God, Jana says “I feel blessed to be touched by a caring and loving God. And I say that not just as a gay person but as a human.”
Since joining Temple as a new member, Jana has found an ever-growing circle of friends. “It’s funny, every time I come to services, I seem to be invited to dinner. I am being welcomed into the faith not just as someone who recently converted, but as a member of this incredible community.
“Today, when I see the Temple building, I feel proud. It’s my home. It’s my place.”
THE ANNUAL FUND FOR TEMPLE ISRAEL helps make these special experiences possible—providing funding beyond the basics. For more information contact Rachel Schachter at rschachter@templeisrael.com or 612-374-0302.
Enriching our Congregation
“People come from all backgrounds to Temple, and we recognize and honor their courageous embrace of Judaism. Our congregation and our lives are enriched and strengthened as we welcome new members to our community and as we benefit from their diverse and varied experiences.” -Rabbi Marcia Zimmerman
50 PEOPLE are currently enrolled in Temple’s INTRODUCTION TO JUDAISM CLASS.
138 NEW MEMBERS joined Temple Israel IN THE PAST YEAR from diverse locations and faith backgrounds.